The Rarest Sports Cars in the World
Racing is much more than a hobby for some people, it is a significant part of their life. With such a passion for racing and the incredible cars that are created because of it, sports cars have become quite the collector’s item. Sports cars are unique in engineering and style–so unique that some are often unattainable even to the most dedicated collector. These are the rarest sports cars in the world:
McLaren F1 LM
McLaren has made a name for itself in the sports car industry. With some of the most intricately designed cars, many can only dream of ever own one. The normal McLaren F1 has become an icon amongst sports car enthusiasts, with the 5 of these LM versions created to commemorate the F1 GTRs. When the McLaren F1 LM was first created, the official price was never released. However, it is assumed to be worth millions of dollars.
Lamborghini Veneno
Another leader in the sports car industry is Lamborghini. There is a reason not many are able to drive these divine machines. They are an item of luxury that few can afford; and those are just the ones that are available to the public. The Lamborghini Veneno is so rare that there are only 5 built around the world with just three available to purchase at the steep price of $4,000,000.
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